Her Sacred Garden

Yoni Steams | Yoni Pearls | Herbal Therapy

About Yoni

Yoni Steam

Assists with: Menstrual cramps, PCOS, vaginal tightness & wetness, hemorrhoids, heavy menstruation, balances hormones, strengthens uterus, assist with menopausal symptoms, recovery after child birth, feminine odor, regulate menstruation, fluid retention, infertility, relieves stress, boots energy, stabilizes sex drive, prevents HPV outbreaks, dissolves cyst & fibroids, and assist with infection, bacteria and discharge. Rejuvenating the vulva, relaxing and nourishing the womb.

Yoni Goddess Oil

A unique natural oil blend with infused herbs for your vagina or anywhere on your body. Our Yoni oil has a simple yet efficacious formula. Specially formulated with calendula extract, and infused chamomile. This oil is naturally antibacterial/ anti-fungal. All ingredients are 100% Oragnic Vegan & Gluten Free. How to use: After shower or bath, apply drops on and around your Yoni area and/or all over your body for ultimate moisture, healing, and pampering. 

Also helping with dry skin , razor bumps, eczema ect.

Yoni Detox Pearls

Our Yoni Pearl is a 100% safe, all natural vaginal and womb detox with no side effects. The pearl is designed to enhance your body's own healing abilities and restore natural balance. Although the pearl should promote discharge or uterine ailments, please be patient and use the pearls as needed, per our instruction, as sometimes you will need more than one detox for desired result. Our recomendation is 3 to 6 pearls a month until desired results or 3 pearls and 4 to 8 steams until desired results. Do not use detox 7 days before your cycle and wait at least 3 days after cycle ends to start detox. Yoni pearl applicators are encouraged. You may experience dryness as uterine lining and skin is shedding as part of the process. 

About Us

Her Sacred Garden

We want to welcome you to HER SACRED GARDEN. Here is a place where it is not just "okay" to be a women, but admired and required. Whether you are steaming or detoxing, we hope that we are helping you create a space and time that is yours alone!  I have turned trouble to triumph and Her Sacred Garden is my gift to you.


How regular does one have to steam?

Depends on the person and what they are steaming for. If there is an issue like fibroids, cyst, and/or endometriosis; one can steam once or even twice a week. I usually steam 2-3 times a month. Once before my cycle to help with cramping, once afterwards and a random one whenever I feel called. Full moon steaming is nice. 

Best time to yoni steam? Before or after your menstrual? 

I recommend both! Steaming before your cycle can help with regulation (timing) and loosening the endometrium (uterine lining) so that the uterus does not have to contract as hard. Steaming after your cycle can help any residue release and help to rebalance the energy after that release. It is also toning and nourishing to the uterus that just worked so hard for you. 

Can you steam while pregnant?

No. Your uterus contracts while steaming and we don't want that to happen while you are growing a fetus. It may also induce your cycle, causing you too miscarry.   

But if you are 38w or more and are trying to induce labor it is then safe to steam. By then you are full term so if infact you do go into labor you and baby will be ready.

Can I steam everyday to kill infection?

Yes you can! Especially for yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. However, do not steam everyday for longer then 2 weeks. It can throw off our ph balance big time! Take a small break for a few days and then continue your schedule. 

Is yoni steaming beneficial for postpartum period( after childbirth)? 

Yes! Steaming after birth is very common and encouraged by midwives and birth assistants worldwide. Postpartum steaming tones and rejuvenates the uterus. It encourages hormone balance, combats dryness, and helps release blood and tissue still left over from birth. If one had a traumatic birth experience, yoni steaming can also help heal those energetic traumas and blockages. 

Do you do a ritual around yoni steaming? If so, what is it?

Yes. Every time I steam, it is an event. I put soothing music on and meditate or sing or just silently sit. I focus on letting go of that which no longer serves me. I focus on cleansing my body if limiting thoughts and outside judgement. I imagine my yoni receiving light and healing. Afterwards, I release the water and herb mix outside into the earth, while verbally exclaiming that this water symbolizes my burdens being released from me and transmuted into love for Mother Earth. 

Which Blend Is Right For You?